JUMP TOSinao APIAuthenticationLoginpostRefresh a tokengetAccountGet current usergetUpdate current userpostApplicationsList appsgetGet an appgetGet app configgetUpdate app configpostOrganization profileGet organization profile for current appgetUpdate organization profile for current apppostContactsOrganizationsList organizationsgetCreate an organizationpostGet an organizationgetUpdate an organizationpostRemove an organizationdeletePersonsList personsgetCreate a personpostGet a persongetUpdate a personpostRemove a persondeleteEstablishmentsGet an establishmentgetUpdate an establishmentpostRemove an establishmentdeleteRelationshipsList relationshipsgetAttach a filepostDetach a filedeleteGet a relationshipgetUpdate a relationshippostInvoicingInvoicesList invoicesgetCreate an invoicepostCreate or update many invoicespostGet the next invoice number for previewgetDownload a list of invoices in pdf into a .zip filegetObtain statistics about invoicesgetRegenerate pdf and recalcul amounts of invoicepostGet an invoicegetUpdate an invoicepostRemove an invoicedeleteDuplicate an invoicepostCreate a creditnote on an invoicepostFinalize an invoicepostUpdate the status of an invoicepostAttach a file at an invoicepostDetach a file at an invoicedeleteAdd a tag on an invoicepostDelete a tag on an invoicedeleteDownload the invoice as pdfgetDownload invoice as jpeggetQuotesList quotesgetCreate a quotepostCreate or update many quotespostCreate or update many quotespostGet the next quote number for previewgetDownload a list of quotes in pdf into a .zip filegetObtain statistics about quotesgetRegenerate pdf and recalcul amounts of quotepostGet a quotegetUpdate a quotepostRemove a quotedeleteFinalize a quotepostDuplicate a quotepostTransform the quote in invoicepostTransform the quote in a downpayment invoicepostUpdate the status of a quotepostAttach a file at a quotepostDetach a file at a quotedeleteAdd a tag on an quotepostDelete a tag on a quotedeleteDownload the quote as pdfgetDownload quote as jpeggetBankDetailsList BankDetailsgetCreate a BankDetailspostGet a BankDetailsgetUpdate a BankDetailspostRemove a BankDetailsdeleteEmailsSend an emailpostSend emailspostAttachmentsList attachmentsgetAttach a file on an objectpostGet attachment by idgetDetach a file from iddeletePurchasesPurchasesList purchasesgetCreate a purchasepostObtain statistics about purchasesgetCreate or update many purchasespostDelete many purchasesdeleteGet a purchasegetUpdate a purchasepostRemove a purchasedeleteUpdate the status of an invoicepostAttach a file at a purchasepostDetach a file at a purchasedeleteAdd a tag on a purchasepostDelete a tag on a purchasedeleteDownload the purchase as pdfgetDownload purchase as jpeggetShow purchase thumbnail as jpeggetCatalogProductsList productsgetCreate a productpostAttach a filepostDetach a filedeleteGet a productgetUpdate a productpostRemove a productdeleteStocksList stocksgetCreate a stockspostGet a stocksgetUpdate a stockspostRemove a stocksdeleteDestruct a quantity of stock (forgotten, destructed, expirated stock...)postConsider part of the stock as rentedpostConsider part of the stock as backpostCashflowPaymentsReconcile a transaction or a documentpostRemove payments by an objectdeleteList paymentsgetGet a paymentgetRemove a paymentdeletePreview sepa direct debit filegetDownload sepa direct debit filepostList SEPAMandategetCreate a SEPAMandatepostGet a SEPAMandategetUpdate a SEPAMandatepostRemove a SEPAMandatedeleteSourcesList CashflowSourcegetCreate a CashflowSourcepostGet a CashflowSourcegetUpdate a CashflowSourcepostRemove a CashflowSourcedeleteTransactionsList TransactiongetCreate a TransactionpostAttach a filepostDetach a filedeleteGet a TransactiongetUpdate a TransactionpostRemove a TransactiondeleteAccountingAccountsList AccountgetCreate a AccountpostGet a AccountgetUpdate a AccountpostRemove a AccountdeleteAccountCategoriesList categoriesgetCreate a categorypostGet a categorygetUpdate a categorypostRemove a categorydeleteExportsList ExportEntitygetCreate a ExportEntitypostList ExportEntitygetDownload the export entity as zipgetGet a ExportEntitygetRemove a ExportEntitydeleteEntriesList accounting entriesgetStatisticsObtain statistics about vatgetObtain statistics about salesgetObtain statistics about timetable purchasesgetObtain statistics about salesgetGet all existants tagsgetPowered by Delete many purchasesdelete https://api.sinao.app/v1/apps/{appId}/purchases/batchDelete many purchases